Oct 28, 2016

[With Moving Image] Lady Gaga Surprises Japanese Bride On Central Park Visit.

Lady Gaga has a whopping Surprise appeared in the wedding of a Japanese couple.

US time on October 24, Lady Gaga is in the Central Park of New York for the shooting, visited the John Lennon memorial.
By chance at that time, Lady Gaga found a couple that married in Central Park.

Lady Gaga is to approach to the bride and groom, blessing the two people.
Suddenly appeared in front Gaga eyes, bride to much of the joy is large crying.
Moreover, this bride and groom's what the Japanese people.

Lady Gaga is when they can be seen with the Japanese, "Aishitemasu (I love you)" with a smile toward the two people after the bride and hug and show off the Japanese.
In addition, "take a photo together?" May also be referred to as "very beautiful I!", Lady Gaga was the bride and groom and commemorative photo.

When the commemorative photograph, Lady Gaga is that I'll have a skirt portion of the bride wedding dress, it has been to friendly support.

Finally, Gaga said, "All You Need Is Love", went away.

Enviable =======(@^▽^@)

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